TOGETHER, WE CAN PREVAIL. During the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin famously said: "We must all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Of course the context is different today, but the concept is basic and true. Please adhere to all of the guidelines outlined by the medical professionals during this incredible time of trial. If we all follow the intelligent stipulations set forth we can, and will, make a difference and make progress in containing this disease until we can find a way to eradicate it. At Ballard Ambulance, we are following very strict protocols in order to help insure your health and safety. In fact, we are going farther than mandated to make certain should you have a medical emergency, you can be assured you will be in a safe environment while in our care. Together, our friends, family and neighbors, can make a difference, and we can prevail. Ballard Ambulance Sott Ballard Shawn Ballard A 53 Year Tradition of Trust. 1028 North Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-5111 TOGETHER, WE CAN PREVAIL. During the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin famously said: "We must all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Of course the context is different today, but the concept is basic and true. Please adhere to all of the guidelines outlined by the medical professionals during this incredible time of trial. If we all follow the intelligent stipulations set forth we can, and will, make a difference and make progress in containing this disease until we can find a way to eradicate it. At Ballard Ambulance, we are following very strict protocols in order to help insure your health and safety. In fact, we are going farther than mandated to make certain should you have a medical emergency, you can be assured you will be in a safe environment while in our care. Together, our friends, family and neighbors, can make a difference, and we can prevail. Ballard Ambulance Sott Ballard Shawn Ballard A 53 Year Tradition of Trust. 1028 North Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee, WA 98801 (509) 662-5111